Watching how the world warps and sags around him, Barack Obama's not coming off too badly as president now, in my CrackdeBlackstimation. But still - when it comes to presidential style - so far, I've preferred the "Earthy" guys. Give me your George Ws or Lyndon Johnsons:
My reasoning? Simple - same as any white guy's:
It's easier to forgive someone I understand.
Speaking of things I understand, conservatives get how ObamaCare's playing, all wrong.
They live in a world of media hype.
Like every other "scandal" the Right has had on Obama lately (Benghazi?) it's a, manufactured, mountain out of a molehill.
They're talking about a website - an insurance website at that.
Isn't the point, as most see it, that a lot of people never even had insurance before?
Then doesn't it figure, in the real world - which is almost everywhere but in the media - nobody will really care about this topic until they themselves get hurt?
Here, further, let me play Karl Rove and explain the psychology of entitlements - especially, especially massive ones:
People will wait, to get the website right, as long as the Dems care (and/or appear to) for those who can't.
The other party - my party - that insists on looking and acting like it's filled with stupid white racists, who want women in the kitchen and everybody in church, has nothing to compete.
But Chris Christie.
Add Scott Walker to the ticket (if he realizes what a lack of charisma he has and takes the veep spot before, foolishly, deciding to challenge) and we're "in".
Otherwise, forgetaboutit.
I do like watching the Right, going nuts over nothing, though - they look great on TV.
But then, so do cheerleaders in an empty stadium,...
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