Everybody knows - once you're "honored" - it's time for a celebration:
Sigh. I'm learning to hate my memories.
Especially while reading the news.
It occurred to me today that - if this product of foster care were honest about what traits I've observed in others as "human nature" in my lifetime - they would add up to abandonment, betrayal, cruelty, deception, delusion, evil, almost a crippling sense of insecurity (that must be covered at all times and at all costs), lying, lust (lots of lust) murder, and violence with a capital "V". They've also all been topped off with massive amounts of stupidity, piled high like "nuts" on a sundae, covering whatever brief interludes of love, and/or compassion, I've seen and received in facsimile.
Unfortunately, intelligence was what I was counting on,...
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